I'm so happy to report that today I have a scheduled day off from work - and I am loving it! I knew that we would not be getting home until super late from Monday Night Football (the traffic around Gillette Stadium is infamous!) and I was correct - we were home at 3 in the morning!
Unfortunately, I did not wake up until 10:30 this morning, and when I did it was a struggle to get up! I finally managed to get out of bed at 10:45... I was definitely ready for breakfast! I realized that there were two whole wheat pancakes left in the refrigerator. I put the pancakes in the toaster oven, and they heated up perfectly! I added light syrup and a touch of Earth Balance on top and enjoyed them with a huge mug of Morning Thunder tea. Perfect!

I went to the gym in the afternoon where I did 40 minutes of cardio. I did twenty minutes of walking, jogging and running on the treadmill for a warm up. Then I moved upstairs to weights where I did legs, biceps and triceps. The total weight workout was about 25 minutes. After strength training, I did 20 more minutes of cardio on the elliptical machine. Fun stuff.
After the gym, I went to the grocery store to stock up on things for the week. It was a pretty basic shop, and I was pleased to see that Stop and Shop had plenty of Chobani today! I even picked up one new flavor to try, peach. I promise to report back once I have tried it.
For lunch I took a page out of Jenna's lunch menu via Eat Live Run. When I was at the market this afternoon, I picked up a can of boneless, skinless salmon to make "salmon salad." I had forgotten the relish, but mixed the salmon up with a tablespoon of Miracle Whip, and it still came together nicely. I toasted two pieces of Great Harvest honey wheat bread, put a bit of hummus and yellow mustard, spinach and tomato to complete the amazing sandwich!

Along with a handful of Sun Chips, a few baby carrots and a glass of seltzer it was a wonderful lunch. (Oh, and if I am being honest - which I am - I did go back for another handful of Sun Chips...!)

Since I did not end up having lunch until 4:30 in the afternoon, I have no idea what Ben and I will do for dinner! But I will be sure to report back later.
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