This morning I made my weekly trip over to Bread & Chocolate to celebrate it being Friday morning! I was happy to see Eunice when I walked in. Today I ordered an apple sauce / cranberry muffin and it was wonderful! I also had a medium coffee with soy milk. Both things really hit the spot. I had consumed most of the coffee by the time I got to work, but still had a little bit to enjoy with my muffin. I really love soy milk in my coffee - it adds just a little bit of sweetness without being too much, and without having to add sugar.
For this morning's picture of the muffin, I did something a little weird. I put my cell phone next to the muffin to give you some idea of the size of the objects. One of the many things I love abou
t Bread & Chocolate is the portions of their items! I am so happy that someone makes muffins the size that muffins are actually supposed to be! This way I do not have to feel guilty for having a muffin for breakfast once a week. It is the perfect size, and keeps me going until lunch time.

I could tell it was Friday this morning because it was hard to get out of bed and get the day started. I was exhausted! Ben and I went to a concert last night, so we were home late and I did not have time to prepare anything for lunch ahead of time. Thankfully, I had some emergency frozen lunches in the freezer - and I grabbed one this morning before I left the house.
Today's lunch was something I had never tried before. It was a Lean Cuisine Southwest-Style Chicken Panini. I rarely eat frozen things, because there is often a very high sodium content in meals that are frozen (have you ever checked the nutritional contents on one of those boxes??) But I do like having a couple in the house for the days that I cannot think of something for lunch, or do not have time to make something...
The panini was actually very good! The sandwich had cheese, chicken, peppers, tomato, onions and was on sourdough (my favorite bread ever!). Here are some pictures:
The nutritional information is as follows:
330 calories
7 grams fat (2 saturated, 2 poly, 2 mono)
35 mg Cholesterol (from the chicken and cheese)
750 mg sodium (30% of your RDA!)
44 g Carb (5 g fiber!)
22 g Protein
30% RDA Calcium (thanks to the cheese!)
Besides the sodium content, I think it's over all not a bad lunch on a rare occasion. The protein definitely helped to fill me up. The sandwich tasted great, and "grilled" up nicely in the microwave.
I have an apple, Chobani and a Larabar for later... Will post more tonight and let you know what snacks I actually ended up having!
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