Well, I'm not sure if there will be any photos tonight and that is too bad - because that is what makes the posts fun! But my photo web tool is seriously acting up - and I can't seem to get the pictures uploaded - UGH!
Anyhow, so the waffles did the trick - I did not get hungry again until about 11:35 this morning... not too bad considering I ate them at 8:30. At that point I ate a few almonds, and they definitely held me over for the hour I had to go before lunch time. The waffles are definitely one of my new favorite options for breakfast - it's always good to mix it up! However, I am hoping that next week (when I get back on track and start getting up at a normal time again!) I will be back to making my daily bowl of AM Oates :) I miss them!
Ok - finally! Here is a picture of the waffles!
And here are the almonds I had as my pre-lunch snack:
Ok, so the pictures are still acting weird - but at least they are here!
The not so good news is that I forgot my camera as I was running to lunch. I had such a busy day today, so much going on - so I definitely didn't have the blog on my mind the whole day - shame on me!
But for lunch I had a cup of soup (our "small" size in the caf) and the soup of the day was a lean beef and veggie soup with just a bit of rice in it. I wish that it had been barley because that would have been awesome - but the rice wasn't too bad either. It was spicy, too which I loved. Apparently eating spicy foods will fill you up quicker than eating bland foods... I read that in a study somewhere recently... but I can't tell you where. If I remember, I'll post it! The soup came with a small whole grain roll (about half the size of your palm) which I ate plain (yay - no butter for me!). I also enjoyed yet another amazing clementine! They are really making my lunches so perfect these days - I am so glad that they are in season once again!
This picture is from the other day - but I just had to add some sort of image for lunch today!
I have to say my lunch was pretty good today. I hardly ever eat beef, so I think I probably scored some extra iron and protein that I would normally miss out on. It was very lean, so there wasn't too much added fat - but the sodium content could be another story all together. I won't go there for now!
When I got back to my desk, I had my post lunch treat - a piece of Dove dark chocolate. I love these little pieces of dark chocolate. Tomorrow I will examine and give you a basic calorie / nutrition break down on a single piece of the chocolate. But I know that I did it once - and I think it came out to about 35 calories for one piece.... I hope I am right about that - because that would be great for a piece of oh so good chocolate! Totally worth it, in my book!
I had my afternoon snack at 3:15 today. It was another awesome vanilla Chobani and peanut butter puffs. It is the most perfect snack in the world. I am not sure - but I think I have to thank Jenna from Eat live run - I am pretty sure I remember reading about this snack back in the day, I just can't believe it's taken me this long to finally try the creation myself!
This snack kept me going until Ben and I ate dinner which was around 8pm tonight! I had such a busy day at work - and then after work, too. I made it to the gym - yippee! It was a lot of fun. Ben and I did weights for the first twenty minutes.... then I went downstairs to run (and break in my new running shoes!) Because it was the first day I was running (or wearing at all) the new shoes, I only ran 1.5 miles today. But the shoes did well! I heart them for sure. After the short run, I went back up to the third floor of our gym and did the bike for ten hard minutes - and then some stretching to warm down. It was a good visit to the gym.
After the gym, I stopped by Trader Joe's and left Ben in charge of ordering dinner. At TJs I picked up some whole wheat English muffins, TJs Greek yogurt, carrots, milk, bananas, pot stickers, raspberries (I cannot wait to have them for breakfast tomorrow!) and some other things that I can't remember right now!
Ben ordered Chinese food for tonight because neither of us had the energy to cook tonight. My order was chicken and broccoli and brown rice. I also had two pieces of scallion pancakes - which were amazing!
Well, it's 10:10 and I am done with the blog, and I have programmed the coffee maker to start doing its thing at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed that I will be able to wake up bright and early!
I do realize that I still have to blog about my great night out with Stephanie and our dinner at Figgs. It was amazing (as always) and a lot of fun. I will definitely get to the pics and all of that fun stuff tomorrow.
Until then, my bloggies, have a lovely night and a great Thursday morning!!
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