Hi Everyone -
Just an update since I have gone an entire week without a post. I have no idea why it is taking SO LONG to get my battery charger for my camera - but it has been over a week and a half and I'm getting nervous that it is lost in the mail or something!!
A few basic things. Twice for lunch this week I had salmon salad (canned salmon with a tablespoon of Miracle Whip mixed in) with a half cup of baby spinach on an Arnold sandwich thin. This sandwich is awesome - I love it! The protein keeps me going for hours after lunch. Along with that I had carrot sticks and Goldfish crackers.
Wednesday afternoon my snack was an Apple Pie Larabar. Yum. Tuesday my afternoon snack was an individual container of Kozy Shack rice pudding that I picked up at Whole Foods last week. It was really great - and very filling. It is all natural, and low fat - healthy dessert that tastes fantastic? I'm all about it!
Yesterday I went home sick in the middle of the day. I had a smashing head ache and a soar throat. Yuck. On my way home I stopped by Whole Foods to pick up a container of their chicken, veggie and rice soup. It hit the spot and I am happy to say that I am actually feeling a bit better today. I think it was the combo of the soup and the tea with honey that I immersed myself in yesterday afternoon and evening. I still have half the container of soup left over for lunch today, which I am looking forward to. Luckily I felt well enough to go to work this morning!
As for exercise, I've been a bit of a slacker this week. Monday I went to the gym, Tuesday I spent my "work out time" cleaning our house - which paid off nicely! Wednesday I went for a half hour "fast walk" in the freezing cold (it has only been in the 30s this week in Boston - so cold!) and Thursday my exercise was eating chicken & rice soup.
So, I'm giving the camera battery charger one more day to arrive at my doorstep before I start calling around to see what on earth happened to it. Hopefully I'll be posting tonight with pictures again!!
Happy Friday everyone!
How to Organize iPhone Photos
There's a new post on Kath Eats!
If you’re overwhelmed by your camera roll, here are some tips on how to
organize iPhone photos so you’re only saving you...
2 days ago
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